
sabato 3 novembre 2018

Welcome into my blog!

Music fragments is my very first project in which I will share everything about music, so I am going to post screenshots from official video,lives and album covers. This is a pure form of entertainment that is going to involve all my knowledge about this wonderful kind of art.
If you’re the person that considers music not only as a mere combination of sounds but also as an empowerment and an exquisite opportunity to socialize and discover new worlds, you might be in the right place.
As you wander through genres and subgenres and bands you find out that there is a solid fanbase among them. This could be used to interpret new behaviours, new ways to see life and people who sourround us.
To start off, I chose this screenshot (5:23) from the death metal band Dyscarnate – “Nothing seems right” video.
The vocals begin at 2:10 like this:
There’s nothing left that’s right
There’s nothing right that’s left
I’ve forgotten myself, this is all wrong
The pessimistic play on words is obvious, just like the cold color palette and the repetitive and hypnotic guitar riff.
That all wrong reminds another hypnotic riff from a Morphine song. It’s All Wrong precisely.
Said that, I hope you will enjoy this track as I did.

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